Who I Am

 Who I Am

Chapter 2 - Destined Meeting

On the next day, when jack is just going to enter through the main gate of his college, he saw a girl headed towards him, jack got confused if she is really heading to him or it is just i am thinking it when she was just right next to him Another boy came and taken her with him, Jack was relieved that she didn't come to him. Here comes his friend Shravan to him saying that "you know, you know there is a new transferred girl in college" jack ignoring him continues to his lecture class Shravan don't have any option other than following him so he followed him they both sit on their seats and professor enters in class. Professor "Attention all of you, from today a new classmate is joining you all named Sia, please enter". Jack was lost in his thoughts for a moment getting pictures of his past and here his friends telling him "Didn't I told you about a new transferred girl in our college" when he comes to his senses, he saw the new transferred girl and a thought cross his mind "It's not even possible". She also sits in class and continue to take the lecture. Jack also continues to the lecture and here Shravan whispers to jack so, "jack isn't she cute " Jack ask who Shravan with a sarcastic smile "Don't be so strange I am talking about the new transferred student tell me is she the One". Jack didn't say anything to Shravan. After finishing the college, they both going to home on Jack bike when they were on their way back home Jack suddenly feels Strange like someone is watching him and Shravan, he turns his head towards left suddenly that Shravan got shocked Shravan then say, "are you willing to take both of us to heaven in our youthful days😏". Jack reached his home and finishes his dinner and goes to his bed😴

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