Who I Am

Who I Am

Chapter 1 - The Starting Line 

         On the sunny day when jack was going to his college on his bike, he saw a girl fighting with an uncle, but he didn't notice and by ignoring the girl he continues to his college when he reached to his college there was something in his mind that why didn't he stopped there and solved the problem between the two of them. Later he thinks that he should have make her his friend because Jack is still Single but by any means it is not possible now he go to his classroom where the lecturer already started the lecture and he is late then he goes and sit to seat and here his friend come Shravan and ask "have you found Anyone" and after hearing it jack call him and say "Mind your own business". Shravan says, "Jack lend me your ear for a moment" Jack ignoring his friend try to focus in Studying but Shravan got urges and he says to Jack "Sia" when Shravan said this, he was already ready to run and after saying it he was running towards the gate of Classroom. Jack who was trying to focus on His study was right next to Shravan chasing him and both is now running somehow Jack manages to catch Shravan and now Jack is giving him a really good treatment saying the forbidden name to him. Shravan again ask him why you don't just forget her name and try to start a new life you brainless fool, but again Jack makes his smile with a really sad feeling and say to Shravan, "You Know nah she was never once forgot about me then how I can forget her".

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